Musings from the Moonroom

Thoughts on Art, Inspiration, Creativity and Spirit

Moonman Sculpture Inspired by Recent Super Moon


I’ve always enjoyed looking at the nighttime sky. As I get older, I find myself more fascinated with the twinkling stars and constellations. I do wonder “what is out there?”

The Super moon that we had a few weeks back was thrilling. Though it didn’t seem quite as large in my own backyard, some of the pictures posted online were fascinating. Looking at those pictures, an image popped into my head for a new sculpture. I drew the idea in my sketch book and began work on this new piece. I’m thrilled with how it turned out and am happy to share pictures of Moonman with you today.

First up is Moonman before he went into the oven. Looking rather fleshy isn’t he? Usually the sculpts are kind of ugly looking at this stage. He looks rather proud of himself.

Moonman Nekked

An acrylic wash is applied after the sculpt is removed from the oven and cooled. Then the fun begins when I add oil paint for dimension and character.

Moonman’s smiling face (Amy Crawley, 2012)

Moonman’s starry slippers (Amy Crawley, 2012)

Moonman in his starry jammies (Amy Crawley, 2012)

Moonman (Amy Crawley, 2012)

Moonman is approximately 4″ tall. He is made from polymer clay with a glass & wood armature. I think his smiling face might work its way into a new line of ornaments.

Thanks for stopping by.

6 thoughts on “Moonman Sculpture Inspired by Recent Super Moon

  1. Moonman is great, Amy! I especially like like his starry jammies. šŸ™‚
    I just love reading about your creative process. As always, thanks for sharing!

  2. Love Moonman – naked or clothed. His face closeup makes him look happy. And the last pose is as if he’s saying “who me?”

  3. He looks like SUPER MOON MAN. I like him.

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